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Home  Happy Endings   Happy Endings Happy Endings
PRESSING MATTER - Loaded with features like "AutoSteam," which automatically selects the correct steam output for each fabric, T-Fal's Avantis helps Lainie glide effortlessly over all the wrinkles.
CLEAN SWEEP - Attack dusty rugs, carpeting and upholstery with Delonghi's Scopa lightweight upright vacuum cleaner. Furniture by Mitchell Gold. Rug from Linens 'n' Things.
uckily, there are no chore wars when it comes to this pair: Lainie and Josh simply divide and conquer. But who wants to spend an entire day getting down and dirty when you could be shopping, at the gym or just chilling out with a good book? Not them! Here's where all their prizes come in: Delonghi awarded them a Scopa hybrid vacuum cleaner, a compact, lightweight unit that has all the power of a standard upright. This stylishly designed machine is a snap to operate—plug it in, and off Josh goes. It's swivel head maneuvers easily around corners and on stairs.

Meanwhile, Lainie presses a few shirts with a new Avantis iron from T-Fal. This sleek appliance has a nonstick soleplate (it stays nice and clean, and sails smoothly over fabrics) and plenty of continuous steam output, making the entire task speedy. Now that Lainie and Josh are equipped with the right tools, they won't have to spend the whole day cleaning. On to the fun stuff!


Bride of the Year
What a pair
Champagne anyone?
In the mood
What a lady
Princess Diaries
Makeup & hair
Rise and Shine
Test Drive
Lainie's Morning Special
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