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How do I create a profile?
Creating and posting a profile is free and it takes only a bit of your time to go through the 5 steps. If you're logged on to the site, you probably already have step 1 finished. To finish the remaining sections, go to your profile at the top of the page or click on the profile completion boxes in the top left of your homepage.

  profile completion:
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When creating your profile remember that the screen will "time out" in seven minutes, so if you haven't saved a section and moved on to another page in that allotted time, you will lose all the information that you typed. (We do this for security reasons.) To avoid losing any of your profile, we recommend that you pre-write your essays and either copy and paste them onto our site or retype them one at a time, remembering to save after each essay.

Helpful hints:
  • Remember, your profile is the first impression you make, so put your best foot forward.
  • Be honest, have fun and stay positive when filling out your profile information.
  • The questionnaire allows you to highlight your personality traits and interests.
  • The essays allow you to speak directly to the person of your dreams. They should not only offer quick insight into your lifestyle and what is most important to you in a relationship, but also showcase what makes you unique. Don't worry about saying too much - the more you say and the more specific examples you give, the more likely it is that someone out there will read your profile and say, "Wow! Me too!!"
Don't know what to say in your essays?
Take a look at our list of things to write about.
How do I create a profile?
Things to Write About In Your Essays
How do I view my own profile?
How do I update my profile?
Why is it so important for me to fill out a complete profile?
Where does my profile show up and how do I change the settings?
What are the 5 profile completion boxes on the top left of my home page?
What are the profile guidelines?
How confidential is my profile?
Why am I not getting very many responses from other members?
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