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How do I convert my photos into JPG format for AOL?
  1. Open photo in Word. Select and copy.
  2. Minimize Word.
  3. Open Photoshop, click on "File" and "Open a New Window"
  4. Click "OK"
  5. Go to Edit then click on Paste. Photo is pasted in blank window.
  6. Go to "File" and click on "Save a Copy"
  7. Give it a name and it will save as a JPG. You can save it on your hard drive or on a diskette.
  8. Attach it to your email and send to us.
How do I submit my photos to get them posted in my profile?
How do I update my photos?
What are the acceptable photo formats if I upload or email them to you?
What size photo files can I send?
How do I convert my photos into JPG format?
How do I send photos through AOL email?
How do I convert my photos into JPG format for AOL?
How do I make sure that my photos will get posted?
How do I know when my photos are posted?
Why can't I see my new photos?