1. Do you have to be a 100hookup.com member to go to a 100hookup.com party? No, everyone is welcome, so feel free to invite and bring along your friends.
2. What is the dress code? For most events, dress as you would dress to go to a nightclub or out on a first date, unless cocktail or other attire is indicated.
3. What is the average age range of people at 100hookup.com parties? Check the party invitation to indicate what age range the event is geared for. For most events, we specify an age range so people feel comfortable that they will meet someone in their own age group. If an age group is not listed, anyone may attend the event.
4. What are the age ranges? 20/30 Events - These events are for the hip, 21- early 30's crowd who love to go out drinking, dancing and listening to hot new DJ's.
35 + Events - These events are more stylish, and would appeal to a more sophisticated crowd who enjoys sipping cocktails while mingling with other urban trendsetters. These are events like our Silent Movie Theater evening.
Party Crowd Events would appeal to those 25 - 49 year olds - These are our larger nightclub style events or our events geared around sporting events. This crowd is up for anything, wants to drink and dance with other like minded partygoers.
55 + Events - These events are for the young at heart 55 and up crowd.
5. Can I buy tickets at the door? Why should I buy my ticket ahead of time or online? For most of our events, you can buy tickets at the door. However, we do have many exclusive events coming up which require you to purchase your tickets ahead of time ONLINE only. The best thing to do is check the party invite on the website to see if tickets will be available at the door. Since most of our parties fill up quickly, or only have a limited number of tickets available we prefer to sell the tickets online. Buying online guarantees that you will actually get in and that you won't have to wait in any long ticket lines at the door. It also helps us plan our events better, when we know how many people plan to show up!
6. How can I help with events? We are always looking for help from our members. If you would like to volunteer to work or assist us with an event with us, please send us an email at [email protected]. Be sure to include your city, age, phone number and member name so we can follow up with you!
7. Can I sponsor an event? We are always looking for great ideas for events from our members. If you have an idea for an event please email us at [email protected]. Be sure to include your city, age, phone number and member name so we can follow up with you!
8. How do I list my event on your website?
The events listed on 100hookup.com are planned by our in house team of event specialists and are added benefit for our members. At the present time we do not list events sponsored by outside organizations.
9. Are the hors d'oeuvres kosher? No, the hors d'oeuvres are not kosher, but we do our best to provide delicious appetizers at most of our events to appeal to everyone's tastes.
10. Why are the cover charges higher at some events?
We base the cover charge on the type of event. If appetizers, drink tickets, and live entertainment is provided, usually the charge will be a bit higher, as you are getting more for your money. Think about how much you would normally spend when you go out for an evening out with your friends, then remember that at our 100hookup.com events you get the added benefit of meeting other like minded individuals who are also already on the site.
11. Why don't you give out refunds? We are sorry but we never give out refunds. When we throw an event there are costs associated in producing it, we need to make sure our costs are covered so we can produce more events in the future.
12. Why do you throw events on Friday and Saturday nights if you are a hookup organization? While some of our members observe Sabbath, many are less conservative and do not. We try to plan events that will appeal to many different types of members. If you are not comfortable attending an event on a Friday evening, you may choose to attend one of the after work events we throw during the week. However, we do try to plan most of our events for the after work crowd or on Saturday evenings if it is a special event!
13. How can I get on your mailing list for events? We do not have a specific events mailing list. Before an event is in a city, we will send out an email broadcasting the upcoming event to members in that area. If you would like to get these emails you will need to join our website. Otherwise, keep checking the events page on our website to find out when the next event in your area will be!