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How do I contact someone who interests me?
You can contact a member by sending an email, instant message or tease.

It's free to send a tease, but to email or instant message you need to subscribe and upgrade to a Premium Membership. As a Premium Member you'll have full access to all of the site's communication tools. It only costs about the price of a Saturday night movie for two and a tub of popcorn, so it's well worth it.

Once you've upgraded to a Premium Membership, there are two ways to contact another member:
  • Send an email. This allows you to write a brief note telling about yourself and commenting on why you're interested. You can go to either Who's Online, your search result list or the person's profile
    and click .
  • If the person is online, you can send an instant message and start a conversation in real-time. The button flashes if someone is logged on.
How do I contact someone that interests me?
When someone contacts me, where does the message go and how do I respond?
I received an email from another member. Do I have to upgrade my membership to get them and reply?
Who can contact me?
How can I see who has contacted me?
How can I see who I have contacted?
Why am I not getting very many responses from other members?
How can I decline contact?