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What are the prices and subscription plans you offer?
The subscription plans to upgrade your membership are:

1 Month for $34.95, $34.95 monthly thereafter*

3 Months for $99.95 (with an automatic renewal rate of $33.95 monthly with a credit card purchase)

To upgrade at our special low monthly rate, go to any of the subscribe links around the site.

*The Guaranteed Monthly Renewal Rate will apply for credit card purchases only at the expiration of your initial Subscription Term and will automatically continue as a monthly recurring transaction unless or until you choose a different subscription plan or cancel your subscription. All prices are in US Dollars. All sales final. Phone numbers are kept confidential and used only in conjunction with processing subscriptions.

What is the difference between my free membership and a Premium Membership that I need to pay for?
Why should I buy a subscription to upgrade to a Premium Membership?
What are the prices and subscription plans you offer?
What are my payment options when I subscribe to upgrade my membership?
Which credit cards do you accept?
I’m having trouble using my credit card. What should I do?
Where do I mail my check or money order when I subscribe?
Why isn’t my billing information being accepted or saved when I enter it?
Why was my subscription automatically renewed?
When will my subscription expire?
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