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How do I move a hot list member into another category?
To move a hot listed member into a specific category:
  • Hot list the member into your favorites
  • Go to your hot lists
  • Click edit next to the member's name
  • Select the category that you want that member to move to
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How do I add someone to my hot list?
How do I view my hot lists?
Can I divide my hot list members into categories?
How do I move a hot list member into another category?
How do I create new hot list categories?
How do I make notes about the people I’ve put on my hot lists?
How do I take someone off of my hot lists?
How do I keep other members from knowing that I looked at their profile or hot listed them?
Why would members want other members to know when they look at their profile or hot list them?
Why does my hot list counter change?