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SheliDe26 Offline

  • Single, Woman seeking a Man
  • 24 years old from Thornhill, Canada
  • Logged in: 5 hours ago
  • Last Update: 9/8/2015
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5' 4" (163 cm)
Bachelor's Degr…
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Do you think you’re the cheese to my macaroni? The peanut butter to my jelly? The ice cream to my Sundae? I love adventures, whether far away or close to home. I like trying new foods, but that’s probably because it’s taking a while to inherit the cooking gene (But I still know how to make some mean chocolate chip cookies). I almost always choose a bar over a club, and flats over heels. I share my passions between camping and being outdoors, and channeling my creative energy into art. I love spending quality time with my family and friends. . . who doesn’t? I have a good sense of humour, but can still appreciate moments of silence. Cheesy puns are my kryptonite. If you think your a Kippah, give me a Challah!

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